
Basic usage

To use ePages Client in a project:

from epages_client.client import RestClient

# Set the api url and token for your shop
api_url = ""
api_token = "shop_token_goes_here"

# Get the instance of the client
client = RestClient(api_url, api_token)

# Example method: get shop info
shop_info = client.get_shop_info()

The dictionary parameter

Each method accepts a single dictionary parameter called params. This parameter is not mandatory for all methods.

# params can have five different keys
params = {
    "data": "",
    "param1": "",
    "param2": "",
    "query": {},
    "object": "",
  • data
    • The content here is usually a dictionary, but can have a binary file, too.

  • param1
    • The first parameter to add to the api url.

  • param2
    • The second parameter to add to the api url.

  • query
    • A dictionary for query parameters, for example including hidden items in results.

  • object
    • As the name implies, this gets an object as a value. Objects are located in the dataobjects directory.


# Example 1

# Set category id and product id
params["data"] = {
        'categoryId': "5A41E34F-BAC7-8396-336A-0A2810152BBC",
        'productId': "5A497829-7619-ACCC-E487-0A281012346F"

# Connect category and product
response = client.connect_category_and_product(params)

# Example 2

# Set product id
# The api url will be:
params["param1"] = "5A497829-7619-ACCC-E487-0A281012346F"

# Get product data
product = client.get_product(params)

# Example 3

# Set product id and image name
# The api url will be:
params["param1"] = "5A497829-7619-ACCC-E487-0A281012346F"
params["param2"] = "test.jpg"

# Delete image from product
response = client.delete_product_image(params)

# Example 4

# Find products where name contains the word 'laptop'
# Limit search results to have 50 items
params["query"] = {
    "query": "laptop",
    "limit": 50

# Search for the products
results = self.client.search_products(self.params)

# Example 5

# Create a customer
customer = CustomerCreate()
customer.billingAddress.firstName = "John"
customer.billingAddress.lastName = "Doe"
customer.billingAddress.emailAddress = ""

# Add customer to params
params["object"] = customer

# Create a customer
response = client.add_customer(params)

Currency and locale

There are two ways to set currency and locale.

Note: If currency and locale are set using both setters and params[“query”], values of params[“query”] are used.

# Currency and locale are set using client setters
client.currency = "GBP"
client.locale = "en_US"

# Currency and locale are set using params["query"]
params["query"] = {
    "currency": = "GBP",
    "locale": = "en_US"